Sheepdrove Eco Center Weddings
Sheepdrove Eco Center weddings are gorgeous. The landscape and environment is beautiful  and it is a very friendly and relaxed place to host your wedding day. When you a fab looking couple like Heather and Mark, you have all the ingredients for a gorgeous wedding. I talked about this wedding in a little bit more detail on this post here: Sheepdrove Ecocenter wedding photographer that I posted some time ago, please feel free to have a look at it.
This post is dedicated to wedding photofilms  and in particular the wedding photofilm of Heather and Marc that I have just finished putting together. A wedding photofilm is basically a slideshow of some of your wedding images, timed to the music and where I have also added some parts of the speeches and vows. This is an optional service that I offer and some people like it as it also reminds you of the sounds of the day and may be of a few selected words said to you by you family members and friends. This wedding was really beautiful and  relaxed and I am very pleased with the results of this photofilm. Please note that the music used in this slideshow has been duly licensed, in this instance via Triple scoop.
I hope that you like what you see and if you are considering Sheepdrove Eco Center weddings (or any other location for that matter), I would love to hear from you. Please enjoy the photofilm below.